
What Is JasmyCoin (JASMY)?



JasmyCoin (JASMY) is a cryptocurrency project of a Tokyo-based Internet of Things (IoT) provider Jasmy Corporation. As a system, the Internet of Things includes mechanical and digital elements endowed with an identifier and the ability to transmit data. The IoT company Jasmy specializes in buying/selling data, and the Jasmy platform connects two categories: service providers and data users.

The Jasmy platform was built to restore and protect the sovereignty of individual data by combining IoT technology with blockchain technology and giving users full control over their personal information. The main goal of the project is to establish a secure environment on the platform where users can exchange data in a trustless manner between IoT devices (computers, cars, phones) and decentralized protocols.

The mission of Jasmy developers is to create an environment by shaping an infrastructure where users can easily, safely and smoothly use data. As a result, Jasmy aims to provide its users with a powerful infrastructure, an intuitive interface and a secure environment for storing and sharing data. In the Jasmy space, information can be transformed into personal assets.

Jasmy decentralizes the workflow with edge computing and storing data on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). The philosophy of the project is based on the democratization of data using a decentralized model, where data is securely protected and owned by an owner, and service providers get the opportunity to promote their services/business using data (owned by users).

JasmyCoin (JASMY): Democratic Data for All | Bybit Learn

Who Are the Founders of JasmyCoin?



Jasmy was founded in April 2016 in Tokyo by several former Sony executives including Kunitake Ando (Representative Director of Jasmy & Former President and COO of Sony Corporation), Kazumasa Sato (President & COO at Jasmy and Former CEO of Sony Style.com Japan Inc.), Masanobu Yoshida (Deputy President & CTO at Jasmy, retired as of December, 2021), and Hiroshi Harada (CFO at Jasmy & Executive Financial Analyst at KPMG).

In October 2021, JasmyCoin (JASMY) was launched on the Japanese exchange BITPoint Japan. $JASMY is an ERC-20 token that powers the Jasmy platform, acts as the main utility token of the network and plays a vital role in building the entire Jasmy ecosystem.

The project has partnered with major players in the digital industry, among them: Transcosmos, Panasonic and VAIO.


What Is JasmyCoin (JASMY)?

What Makes JasmyCoin Unique?



In the digital age, Jasmy is addressing the following challenges:

The Jasmy platform guarantees its customers confidentiality and gives them the right to manage their own personal data. With Jasmy, users send information via IoT devices to companies in exchange for services in a secure manner;

Jasmy offers a data processing policy in which the information-gathering of customers is carried out properly, excluding information leakage;

The Jasmy network ensures a decentralized infrastructure where data management is built on security and trust.

Thus, the JasmyCoin project is trying to support the highest possible level of safety and security of the market, and the active use of IoT devices helps to reduce fraud.

How it works: user data is kept in a secure storage of personal data. The Jasmy network uses IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) technology, which consists of the Security Knowledge Communicator (SKC) and Smart Defender. To activate SKC, users need to go through the registration and identity verification stage, and it’s possible afterwards to track transactions and manage data. At this stage, investors/companies receive permission to use the personal information of the owners. And with the help of the Smart Guardian (SG) service, IoT devices are securely registered.

Source : Coinmarketcap

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